Ingrown Nail Treatment with
Did you know that:
Ingrown toenails that keep growing untreated can grow deeper and deeper into the tissue?
Ingrown nails can cause pain with every single step and even change the way you walk?
Inflammation of the nail fold can cause serious complications?
***If you are experiencing symptoms of an ingrown toenail (pain, redness, swelling, drainage, or infection of the skin surrounding the nail) please schedule an appointment for Ingrown Nail Care.
All options will be discussed at your Ingrown Nail Care appointment, prior to any care performed.***
The Onyfix® Nail Correction System is a revolutionary new product for the treatment of ingrown and involuted nails.
Your Foot Care Nurse applies this customized system onto the affected nail, which then corrects the shape over time through natural nail growth.
The system is completely painless to apply and to wear!